
Hollister Smiles Dental
Diana M Boado, DDS
Dentist located in Hollister, CA
Only about 35% of the population has perfectly straight teeth, but many men and women with crooked teeth are hesitant to straighten them because they don’t want to deal with the hassle of braces during adulthood. At Hollister Smiles Dental: Diana Boado, DDS, Dr. Boado offers custom teeth adjustment plans with Invisalign®. To find out how Invisalign improves your teeth, call the Hollister, California, office or book your appointment online today.
Invisalign Q & A
What is Invisalign?
Invisalign is a modern way to adjust your teeth into a straight position. It can correct many common irregularities, like:
- Crooked teeth
- Large gaps
- Crowded teeth
Adults and adolescents alike can benefit from the system, which uses clear devices to discreetly move your teeth into place over an average of 12 to 18 months.
How does Invisalign work?
Invisalign’s system is simple. Before you start the treatment, you’ll attend a consultation at Hollister Smiles Dental: Diana Boado, DDS.
Dr. Boado examines your teeth and takes a digital image of their positioning. Using the digital image, the team creates a plan to gradually move your teeth into a perfect, straight position.
Using digital mapping, the team at Hollister Smiles Dental: Diana Boado, DDS, creates your series of plastic aligners. Each aligner puts pressure on parts of your teeth to move them into position for the next one.
For the best results, you must wear your aligners for 20 to 22 hours daily, taking them out to eat, drink, and brush your teeth. You’ll wear each aligner for one or two weeks before switching to the next.
What makes Invisalign better than braces?
Invisalign has many advantages over traditional braces. When given a choice, many patients choose Invisalign because:
- It’s comfortable
- It’s subtle
- You can remove your device
- It’s easier to keep your teeth clean
- There are no sharp wires
- It doesn’t require you to limit your diet
Invisalign isn’t right for all cases. Dr. Boado will let you know if braces might be better suited for your case.
How should I clean my Invisalign devices?
It’s important to keep both your teeth and your aligners clean. To take care of your devices and ensure your teeth stay healthy during treatment, you must floss and brush your teeth thoroughly each time you remove your aligner.
To clean your aligner, you have the option to purchase an Invisalign Cleaning System from Hollister Smiles Dental: Diana Boado, DDS. Otherwise, you can clean the aligner with a toothbrush and toothpaste. When you clean it, you need to use warm but not hot water to avoid melting the plastic.
Invisalign is a convenient and comfortable way to achieve the smile of your dreams. To learn more about the system, call Hollister Smiles Dental: Diana Boado, DDS, or book your appointment online today.